Read and Download Conference Papers

All papers were peer-reviewed and accepted in the SCOPUS-Indexed MDPI Engineering Proceedings.  Please click the following link to read and download the conference papers free of charge.

Authors must submit their abstracts in strict conformance with the MAIREINFRA2023 conference guidelines. Please submit your abstract following the template for a peer review for publication in MAIREINFRA2023 Proceedings (1 page maximum). Please use the MAIREINFRA2-abstract-template(click to download) and email it to [email protected] by December 31, 2022.

Please select the appropriate option where your abstract should be considered. Put 1 in the file name if you want your paper considered for Track 1; 2 for Track 2; and 3 for Track 3.

(Example: [email protected]_David_Lee_USA

You will be contacted if your abstract is selected for presentation. You will be then asked to submit your paper (up to 4 pages) by Feb 28, 2023 using the Paper Template for MAIREINFRA2 – MDPI Engineering Proceedings- 4 pages Max (click to download). All papers accepted for the conference will be published in the Open Access Scopus-Indexed MDPI Engineering Proceedings (For more info,  visit ) and as the electronic conference book with ISBN.

You can download the conference brochure by clicking on MAIREINFRA2 Brochure.

Please note following deadlines:

  • January 15 2023: Abstract Submission Deadline (Word)
  • January 22 2023: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • February 28, 2023: Submission of full papers (up to 4 pages) for Proceedings in official format (Word)
  • March 15, 2023: Notification of paper acceptance and required corrections
  • March 31, 2023: Final paper submission (corrected and revised)
  • August 16–19, 2023: MAIREINFRA2 Conference at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Top papers will be invited to submit a full-paper in a longer version (minimum 8 pages) to MDPI Infrastructures Journal by September 30, 2023. To see the call for papers for the special issue, click the link below.

Organizations and companies are invited to exhibit. For more information please send email to [email protected]

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