MAIREINFRA 2023 Conference is composed of thee tracks of themes as shown below.
Track #1: Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements
- Maintenance of asphalt, concrete and block pavements
- Rehabilitation of railroad tracks
- Innovative pavement materials and design
- Pavement Management System (PMS)
- Automated pavement condition evaluations
- Recycling of asphalt and concrete materials
Track #2: Automation/Innovations in Bridges/Building Construction
- Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)
- Digital construction project delivery
- Modular and accelerated construction
- AI/Drone/3-D Printing Technologies for construction
- Bridge Management System (BMS)
- Building Information Management (BIM)
Track #3: Safety, Disaster Resilience, and Sustainability
- Traffic Safety and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
- Safety in construction and rehabilitation
- Disaster preparation and response
- Life-cycle analysis and asset management systems
- Sustainable pavements, bridges, and buildings
- Sustainability in governments and industries