Dr. Massimo Losa is Full Professor of Road, Railway and Airport Engineering, Chief of the University Road Research Laboratory, and Vice-Director of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering at the University of Pisa. He is a local coordinator for the university of Pisa of the International Course of Research Doctorate on “Civil and Environmental Engineering” sponsored by the University of Florence, Pisa, Perugia in co-operation with the University of Braunschweigh.
He is an expert member of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and a Founder member of the iSMARTi. He is a founder member and actual President of the Scientific Association on Infrastructure and Transport A.S.I.T. since 2015.Presentation Title: The bad story and positive effects of the collapse of an iconic Italian bridge: a critical literature review
Four years ago, a part of a viaduct on A10 motorway in Italy collapsed causing 43 victims. Since that day a lot of theoretical investigations have been carried out and many papers have been written trying to explain the causes of the failure. Italian Ministry of Transport published a specific guideline on risk classification and management and a safety evaluation and monitoring of existing bridges. A particular interest has been focused on the investigation of post tensioned tendon ducts, which have been used extensively in pre-stressed concrete structure since 1960. He will present a critical literature review on the construction and monitoring activities of the viaduct and different types of analysis that have been carried out to explain the mechanism of failure. Moreover, the principal lessons learned by this collapse and the related effects on the evolution of Bridge Management Systems in Italy will be presented.

Jorge Pais is an Associate Professor with habilitation of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minho in Portugal. He was vice-head of the Department of Civil Engineering and he has been involved in fatigue, reflective cracking, cracking propagation, asphalt rubber hot mixes characterization. Jorge Pais is the author of two computer software for road pavement design: i) JPav computer software allows the computation of the stress/strain/displacements in road
pavements for its design; ii) JPavBack computer software allows the back-calculation of road pavements based on the results of Falling Weight Deflectometer testing. Presently he is developing a computer program for the design of airport pavements (JPavAir). He is co-chairman of the iSMARTi’s 10th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures (MAIREPAV10) in Guimarães, Portugal, July 24-26, 2024.
Invited Presentation Title: Pavement rehabilitation in the XXI century and MAIREPAV10